Indicator Rationale
Walkability for transport is calculated based on three key factors: land use mix and services of daily living (something to walk to); street connectivity (a way to get there); and dwelling density (higher population densities are associated with increased populations needed to supply services and different land uses) (Giles-Corti et al., 2014). These factors influence how people move around their local neighbourhoods to complete everyday activities and the importance of access to supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol stations, newsagents and public transport stops in community design.
Extensive research literature has consistently shown that local neighbourhood design is an important influence of physical activity, health outcomes, social connectedness and sustainability (Saelens et al., 2003).
Relevant Sustainable Development Goals

Average distance to closest activity centre
Average dwelling density per hectare
Average street connectivity per square kilometre
Average number of daily living destinations present (0-3) within 1600 m
Walkability for Transport Index
The walkability index was calculated as the sum of standardised scores of local neighbourhood attributes including street connectivity, dwelling density and the index of access to services of daily living.
Street connectivity was calculated as the ratio of intersections to local walkable neighbourhood in square kilometres.
Dwelling density was calculated as the total number of dwellings located in Mesh Blocks intersecting each participant’s local walkable neighbourhood divided by the neighbourhood size in hectares.
Access to services of daily living was created using binary indicators which record the presence (=1) or absence (=0) to access to three destinations; supermarkets, public transport stops and convenience stores, within 1600m of the sample points using a pedestrian road network . A daily living index was created by summing the 3 binary indicators for each sample point.
Saelens BE, Handy SL. (2008). Built environment correlates of walking: A review. MSSE. 40: S550-66