We are delighted to share some of the new functionality now available through the RMIT Australian Urban Observatory.
New Decile Maps
We are delighted to share that users can now map 2021 indicator deciles within LGAs, Cities as well as for all similar geographic areas Nationally. You can change the way you view the deciles though the Layers Selection menu (the blue icon) in our AUO Score card. All three decile calculations can be viewed in the Indicator Information menu (the aqua icon) on the Score card.
Double Mapping Tool
Our new double maps allow for three kinds of indicator comparison:
• Comparing different indicators within the same city
• Comparing the same indicator across time within the same city
• Comparing the same indicator across cities
You can access our Double Mapping Tool through the user icon (the little person) located in the top left hand corner of the AUO. Click on ‘Change map mode‘ to switch between the different double map views.
Data Downloads
AUO indicator data downloads now available in a CSV format. Now you can use our data how and when you need it. You can access the downloads though the Data download menu (the orance icon) in our AUO Score card.